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Writer's pictureHadia Ijaz

Helping Hands Blog : Tips for De-stressing School Edition

Stress is defined as a “a feeling of emotional or physical tension." Oftentimes, school is a continuous factor of the daily stress that keeps increasing throughout a year. Especially during times like COVID-19, there is an abundance of need when it comes to gathering tips on how you can relieve some of this stress. The following points are some ways in which stress can be lessened.

  1. Physical Exercise

Any type of school online or in-person can keep students tied down to their desks and computers for hours on end. Exercise has proven to help pump up your endorphins, your brain's neurotransmitters that emit good emotions. Allowing for an improvement of your mood can help to lower stress levels and at the same time give a healthy hobby that will be an essential part of your routine quickly. Some ways to exercise that can be quick and efficient and done alone are, biking, walking, running, or even online 15 minute exercise videos.

  1. Breathing Exercises

Surprisingly, the way that a person breathes can be the difference between their stressful and non-stressful state of mind. In a similar fashion to physical exercise, breathing exercises can help to relieve much of the tension that furthers a stressful state. Symptoms of stress such as fast heart rate, fast breathing, and high blood pressure can all be reduced through breathing exercises. Through practicing calm breathing you can send a message to your brain to relax. An example of a breathing exercise that can be easy to incorporate into your daily routine is diaphragmatic breathing.

  1. Listening to Music

Music can help shift your mood to match the emotions of the song. It can be extremely helpful to listen to calming music or even upbeat music to cause a shift in your emotions. According to research done on this phenomenon, “music around 60 beats per minute can cause the brain to synchronize with the beat causing alpha brain waves (frequencies from 8 - 14 hertz or cycles per second),” this brain wave induces relaxation. Listening to music can be easily included into your routine and can reduce stress in times of doing homework, working on a project, or even in other stress relieving techniques like physical exercise. Some music that is known to help with stress specifically includes sounds from: flutes, drums, and light jazz, or classical. However, as a whole, the relaxation that comes from music derives from the person listening and how they may feel about that particular music piece.

Through these methods used to decrease stress and anxiety levels, it can be noted that it is simple and effective to incorporate such approaches in one's daily life. Stress is a normal reaction to the daily lives that many lead. However, this does not mean that it should not be properly addressed or taken care of. Mental health is just as important as physical health when it comes to taking care of oneself and their lifestyle. It is a necessity to put yourself before anything else to achieve the best results in anything, even one's studies.

MLA Works Cited

“Exercise and Stress: Get Moving to Manage Stress.” Mayo Clinic, Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research, 18 Aug. 2020,

“Releasing Stress Through the Power of Music: Counseling Services.” University of Nevada, Reno,

“Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation.” Stress Management: Breathing Exercises for Relaxation | Michigan Medicine,

Image by Creative Commons

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